Sunday, January 16, 2005

Summer in January!

What do grass skirts, snow pants, horses, beer and chocolate beavers have in common? If you answered Janice's Birthday Party on Wolfe Island, then you are exactly right!!! The guys all showed up dressed up with Hawaiian Shirts (I had to buy mine…but Alex has a beauty already!) and the girls were treated to some grass skirts and lovely fuzzy sea-shell type bras upon their arrival! Man it was hilarious! The party's central activity involved three rounds on a horse drawn hayride. Now, it was freezing cold (had to be -25oC with the wind chill) and even with my long underwear I was friggin' cold! Needless to say I only survived one of the hay rides. Crazy people like Erin went out for two of them. I think the only person who made it out on all three was a guy related to Frosty the Snowman!

The food on the inside was super yummy! Loaded with snack too! I was especially enamoured with the cheezies in the beginning and the nacho flavoured Doritos in the end. Scary ... now I remember why I don't keep any chips and junk food in the house!!!

RWI played a marathon gig! Three sets! They were lots of fun and they played to the crowd as they usually do. Erin got up and sang as song as usual. The crowd loved it! Fernando by Abba! She had to read the words of the paper but it was still coolan accoustic guitar. One neat music thing that went on as well was in between the second and third set, a guy named John just pulled up to the microphone and sat down with he played three tunes: two from The Who and one from Pink Floyd. And he did an amazing job! I was really impressed!

Another fun part of the night was the impromptu Limbo line and then the strip show by Erin and her brother Chris! One of them took their shirt off! I'll let you imagine who it was!!!

What does the chocolate beaver in the opening line mean? Courtesy of Julie, the homemade chocolate cake for Janice was in the shape of a Beaver with a great caption: “World’s Best Beaver!” Too funny!

Pictures will are imminent!

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