Saturday, November 25, 2006

Italy here we come!

December 16th. What's special about Dec 16th? Well...let me tell you. On Dec 16th, Erin and I leave for our Honeymoon to Italy! Wooohooo. Truly the trip of a lifetime. Two weeks! The first week is a structured tour that will stop at Rome, Florence, and Venice. The second week we're going to do it on our own. We're going to see Chrstmas Day mass at St. Peter Square, then we're going to go down to Naples, Pompei by car and down through the Amalfi coast. Awesome! Stay tuned for updates and pictures! Ciao Bellas!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Field Trip!

23Nov06-warmemorial, originally uploaded by actionhamster.

People from my work work had a field trip to the Canadian War Museum today. It was awesome. I definately want to go there again. There was so much to see and do and we only scratched the surface. Here's a cool shot of names on the memorial wall in an archway.


23Nov06-deadsoldier, originally uploaded by actionhamster.

There were several life-like displays. Here's one a fallen soldier in the mud. Scary.


dfg23Nov06-HitlerCar, originally uploaded by actionhamster.

Hitler's Mercedes. It's black and has bullet holes it in. What an amazing relic of WWII history.


23Nov06-TankTrack, originally uploaded by actionhamster.

You recognize this: the track of a tank.


23Nov06-wheel, originally uploaded by actionhamster.

It's me in the hubcap of the bus. Kewl!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Oh's Borat!

Jen, Alex, Erin and I went to the Borat movie last night. I found some parts funny and some parts offensive. However, I didn't find enough 'funny' parts to really be able to give this movie a stellar rating (despite the fact that it has raked in over 100+ million dollars at the box office already). Maybe my expectations were unrealistic? After watching the Best of Borat on YouTube (22 mins in length) I think I have been exposed to only the 'great' Borat stuff. I haven't seen the mediocre stuff. Hmmm. If you haven't seen the Movie yet, then wait for it to come out as a rental. If you haven't seen the Best of Borat on YouTube then what are you waiting for. It's hilarious! 'Hail Supreme Warlord Premier George Walter Bush!'

Friday, November 17, 2006

We're Hip in Montreal!

Road Trip to Montreal to see th Tragically Hip. CJ, Erin and I trucked up on Friday Nov 10th, right after work and all the effort to get there paid off: the concert was awesome! Best concert I have ever seen the Hip put on. Hands down! And we've seen a lot of Hip concerts... between the three of us we have seen 18 concerts! Erin-7, Eric-6, Julie-5.... yup...we're big fans!

They rocked the 2000+ crowd with all your favorites. Wow they had energy! The crowd was hyped and friendly and the bartenders slung beer like profesionals! (I like that!) The club we saw them in was awesome. The Metropolis is a three-tiered concert hall and no matter where you were you had a great view of the action. Here's one pic, more can be found on my Flickr account here:

Wedding Pictures are IN!

The wedding pictures are in. I've uploaded them all to my Flickr account. Check out the Wedding set at this link:

Monday, November 06, 2006


AngelsHalloween, originally uploaded by actionhamster.

Thanks to Mustafa, one picture has been found of our Angels costumes from the Wolfe Island Halloween party. It's not the greatest pic, but it gives you an idea of why we came 4th ;-)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

More Halloween Pictures!

Hot off the presses... another 13 pictures from our work Halloween Party. Check them out on my Flickr Site. Here's the direct link to the Halloween 2006 set of pictures. We rocked!!!

a halloween kiss for u

a halloween kiss for u, originally uploaded by hockeyfan.

Here's the first shot of our prize winning Hallowe'en Team at work... actually this shot is from Mark's camera (via his Flickr account). More shots to follow. Can you guess who I am?