Friday, August 24, 2007


HI Everyone
Maxime is now smiling (and its definately not gas). He loves songs and any type of direct attention, there are traces of Merry in him, ha ha. He is also getting use to a nighttime routine, last night he slept for 7 hours, not sure I should have let him go that long without food....? But he'll make up for it with some future marathon feeds:)
Hope to see everybody soon!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Maxime is doing great!

Mommy and Daddy are getting used to their new life with their new munchkin Maxime. He's doing really well. More pictures will be available as soon as people stop visiting long enough for everyone to catch their breath HAHA! Last Monday Maxime weighed 9lbs 1oz at his checkup. YEAH! He's getting bigger! Hugs and kisses to everyone. Take care. -Eric

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Maxime regains his birth weight

Congratulations to Maxime who weighed in today at 8lbs 1oz during his doctor's appointment. He has now surpassed his birth weight of 8lbs. YEAH! (*grin*)