Monday, January 22, 2007


It's official, there is a life in my belly! Today was the first Ultrasound.
Eric, Julie and I saw the little one, it was incredible! Jules even shed a few tears (shh don't tell her I told you, she likes to act all tough but she is a softie when it comes to being an aunt!).
The heartrate was 155(hbm), some non-scientific speculators would say its a boy....
The fetus was 8.5cm long from head to rump/bum not including legs and arms, about 3.4 inches. My placenta is in the front, we saw its hand, well only four fingers. The wee one is 14 weeks and 2 days old and we are due July 21/07. We even got to see its legs running, it was wild! A future runner or skater perhaps, Eric says a future Steve Yzerman! Eric is a proud papa! Here is the picture, kind of skeleton like but beautiful none the less! We are very happy everything is A-OK!

Monday, January 15, 2007

NEWSFLASH: Incomming Baby!

The cat is out of the bag: Erin's pregnant! We've tried to keep this news on the 'down-low' for many weeks but its slowly leaking around. So she's almost at the 12 week mark and we've decided to officially make the announcement. We've started a Tremblay Baby Blog to keep everyone updated on the baby-related news. Stay tuned for more updates!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

Friday night we had the Eat, Drink and be Merry floor hockey Kick-Off party! It was really fun. Special thanks to Michelle for hosting it at her place. We did a BYOB potluck and all the food was yummy. The fun activity that we did half way through the evening was to distribute team awards for last season's performances. EAch attendee to the party was given a ballot and could nominate one player for each award category. Here are the winners!

Wayne Gretzky Award (Best Playmaker/Passer) - Kevin
Wonder Woman Award (Best Shot Blocker) - Glenn
Donald Trump Award (Most Penalty Minutes) - Doug
Leonardo DiCaprio (Best Sportsmanship) - Georgia
The Bud Light Award (Best Defenseman) - Melissa
The Toucan Award (Best Nacho Eating/Beer Drinking) - Rob
Gordie Howe Award (Best Elbow) - Mike
Richard Simmons Award (Most Enthusiastic) - Eric
Angelina Jolie Award (Sexiest Ankles) - Rob
Rookie of the Year - Cathy
Tom Cruise Award (Most Ambitious) - Tracey
Jennifer Lopez/Sir Mix-a-Lot (Best Butt) - Michelle

Congratulations everyone! That party was a great way to kick-off the new season that starts next week.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Pictures are Here! The Pictures are Here!

After many hours of pearing down the the massive amount of photos we took in Italy, we've come up with the best 350-ish of them. Check them all out on my Flickr site.

Monday, January 01, 2007

We're baaaaaaaaaaaack!

We're back from Italy to 'home sweet home' Kingston. We were awake for a grand total of 24 hours on the trip back but we are really glad to get home. Erin and I have taken lots of pictures. Probably somewhere in the neighbourhood of 2,400. Yes. That's not a typo. Between us we took about 2,400 pictures. So it'll take us quite some time to sift through the good ones and get them online. Stay tuned to the blog for an Italian Honeymoon Photography update coming soon. For now, Happy New Year and see you soon!