Monday, January 22, 2007


It's official, there is a life in my belly! Today was the first Ultrasound.
Eric, Julie and I saw the little one, it was incredible! Jules even shed a few tears (shh don't tell her I told you, she likes to act all tough but she is a softie when it comes to being an aunt!).
The heartrate was 155(hbm), some non-scientific speculators would say its a boy....
The fetus was 8.5cm long from head to rump/bum not including legs and arms, about 3.4 inches. My placenta is in the front, we saw its hand, well only four fingers. The wee one is 14 weeks and 2 days old and we are due July 21/07. We even got to see its legs running, it was wild! A future runner or skater perhaps, Eric says a future Steve Yzerman! Eric is a proud papa! Here is the picture, kind of skeleton like but beautiful none the less! We are very happy everything is A-OK!


Unknown said...

Cute photo...very neat. Ang

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

Great photo (with very helpful commentary, Eric!). We are out for a morning walk in Miami Beach after strolling around last night to take in the sites and festivities (apparently there's a footbal game of ome sort here this weekend)

Hey there Erin. well we had a much better intro tot he MIAMI TOWN . We should have had it this goood!
Miss you, hope that all is well.
We are off on the ship in a little bit and Ken had to use the computer so I wanted to say Hi
Can you lat mum know that we are OK and can you check in on the babies to see if John is doing what he is told ;-)

Hope that all is well. Nice Bambino.......just a beautiful little babe with two beautiful parents.

See you soon Love Jules and Ken

Anonymous said...

Hey Jules and Ken, not sure if you will see this while cruising the Carribiean but all is well here, I let Mom know you got away alright. I ahve done a few drive-by's and John has been moving the truck and cleaning snow. I will be by to check on the putty's and John :) Have an awesome time and see y ou when you get back! Glad you had a better time getting there then we did last time, but its still a good story to tell.
Love you
Erin and Eric