Some random scratchings and scribblings from the life and times of the action master... er... Actionhamster!
I know this is a guinea pig but I pretend it's a
hamster 'cuz I like the karate pose. So deal!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
The Pictures are Here! The Pictures are Here!
After many hours of pearing down the the massive amount of photos we took in Italy, we've come up with the best 350-ish of them. Check them all out on my Flickr site.
STUNNING! ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Matt asked why you were showing me these pics. Before I could answer he asked "Was it to make you cry?" Italy is definitely on our list.
STUNNING! ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Matt asked why you were showing me these pics. Before I could answer he asked "Was it to make you cry?"
Italy is definitely on our list.
Hi guys
That must have been an absolute blast that trip,enjoyed looking at the pics
Hey Tracey and Leslie,
Thanks a lot for the comments! Hope you are both doing well.
Take care.
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