Some random scratchings and scribblings from the life and times of the action master... er... Actionhamster! I know this is a guinea pig but I pretend it's a hamster 'cuz I like the karate pose. So deal!
how about a movie? or the ballet on the corner of queen & montreal? get your xmas shopping done? wrapping? i believe theory of a dead man is playing at stages tonight.or just be a couch the rest of us:)
hey Eric get that pedometer out!!!
Hey Cat,"Ballet on the corner of Queen & Montreal?" That just scares me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHA! -Eric
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how about a movie? or the ballet on the corner of queen & montreal? get your xmas shopping done? wrapping? i believe theory of a dead man is playing at stages tonight.
or just be a couch the rest of us:)
hey Eric get that pedometer out!!!
Hey Cat,
"Ballet on the corner of Queen & Montreal?"
That just scares me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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