Saturday, June 25, 2005

Friday night = classic

[Fade into scene - Erin waking up 6:30am and walking downstairs into the Office. Eric already there, playing with her new PalmPilot.]

Erin - Are you playing with my new PalmPilot?
Eric - um... no.

[Eric with big smile. Erin giggles and picks up her phone. Dials into her answering machine. Listens and laughs.]

Erin - Well, Jen just called. Guess what she said on her message "Erin, did you ever get the cops called on you by the neighbours while you lived here? Well, I did. I wonder if it's the first time."


['nuff said! Happy B-day Alex!]


Anonymous said...

I believe they had the wrong house.

Eric said...

_Sure_ they did ... ok... whatever you say Jen (*evil grin*) hahaha