Look at us! Don't we look geekie! I especially like the pen in my shirt pocket! (HAHA) This is me in the middle with my boss Daniel on the right and our new friend Magnus from Sweden on the left. A young Saguaro Cactus behind us; it's got no arms!

Some random scratchings and scribblings from the life and times of the action master... er... Actionhamster!
I know this is a guinea pig but I pretend it's a
hamster 'cuz I like the karate pose. So deal!
'We'? Talk for yourself! A pen in the shirt pocket is truly the utter symbol of a true geek, and who's wearing the pen, eh?
(So, OK, I had one too, but it doesn't show as much!)
Thanks for a great time in Phoenix!!
Hey Magnus! I miss you already (*grin*) I hope you made it back to Sweden safe and sound. Thanks again for hanging out with Dan and I. We enjoyed ourselves a great deal at the conference. If you are ever in Canada, be sure to let me know, you can stay at my place anytime!
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