So, I went to the doctor today to pick up my test results. It wasn't all good news. The kidney stones seem to be growing back. Ultasound shows two of them, small mind you... 3.5 mm each approx. So I've been put on a 2+ litre a day water diet for 3-4 months and we'll do another ultrasound. The ultrasound also showed two other surprising results... a gall stone 5.1 mm.... dammit! My dad had to get his gall stone taken out a 10 year ago... looks like I'm going down the same path. Second thing it showed is a slightly enlarged prostate. Very surprising since I'm only 35. Nothing you can do for that.
The blood pressure was still high today, so the Doc pulled the trigger and put me on meds. Valsartain (angiotensin II receptor antagonist). Low dose, but still pricy at $160 for 3 months! Bleck.
There was good news though.... my blood work was impeccable. Cholesterol was perfecto! Not eating fast food will do that to ya. Thank god for
SuperSize Me two months ago!
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