We had a great visit this past weekend from Francois and Anna. Those poor crazies drove all the way up to Kingston from Michigan. What a long drive!
We had a blast including going on a Thousand Islands Boat Cruise, hitting the obligatory Toucan night out, watching Anna lose her 'Poutine Virginity', and dining for Sunday's lunch at the best restaurant in Napanee - Napanee Fish and Chips. (That's not saying a whole lot for Napanee either HAHA!).
Here's a nice shot of them squeezing Maxime.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
La Visite!
We even got some road hockey in on Sunday morning. Anna scored 3 goals! Woohooo! AND I just LOVE her Wings Jersey! Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Aberdeen Street Party
Holy Molly! The Aberdeen Street Party did not disappoint. In fact, I think there were more people there this year than last year. I met loads of people that were from out of town as well. Including an entire bus load of people from Montreal! CrAzY!!!
One of the best parts was at about 11pm, a band broke out into live tunes at the corner of William and Aberdeen. The lead singer sung the entire set while standing on the porch rail and hugging the corner post. Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and AC/DC! They cranked out about 5 tunes before the cops told them to shut it down. Boooohooo!
Julie and I had a great night at the party and the evening was capped off with a mandatory stop at Bubba's for poutine! YUM!
Want to see more shots of the day... check out this set on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/actionhamster/sets/72157607554231695/
Maxime at his first football game!
Maxime had a great time at his first football game!!! Go Geals Fo! Queen's crushed Western to retain a perfect undefeated record of 5-0.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Chicken was flipped!
PS: Congrats to Ken who won the 'power run' part of the day with a hand that included three 3's! Nice!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Maxime's First Birthday
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Big Screen!
I attended the Big Music Fest in Belleville yesterday with CJ (Go Funnel Cake Go!). It was awesome. Sarah Harmer, Sam Roberts and The Tragically Hip. Great show. 15,000 people showed up for it. A great way to spend your first day of summer. Here's Gord on the Big Screen. In the background, some people in Belleville go about their regular lives (*grin*)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Feeling Hot!
House Action
Friday, June 06, 2008
Number One Fans
Maxime and his Dad are the Number One Fans of the 2008 Stanley Cup Champion Detroit Red Wings. Woooohhhhooo! (Thanks to Mark Anderson for his great work!)
Thursday, June 05, 2008
UN Earth Summit 1992!
Red Wings Win the Stanley Cup! Stanley Cup Champions 2007/08!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Triple overtime loss
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Red Wings win Games 1 and 2
So now the gang is off to Pittsburgh for Game 3 Wednesday Night! Good luck boys! Game 4 is Saturday and it's the same night as the Matthew Good Concert. YIKES! I don't really know what I am going to do in this situation.... eeeek!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
First it was 9 months in, now out!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Happy Easter
Hop pity hop hop. It is that time of year again and the chocolate bunnies are nervous! Here is a picture of Maxime and myself, taken while Denise was visiting. We had a wonderful visit and it was great for Denise to see how much Maxime has changed since January. We even took in a puppet show at the library, Maxime was more enthralled by the younger kids then the puppets. This past week, while Mimi was here Maxime, began to say "da da" and "dee dee". He is almost 8 months old (hard to believe he is getting so big!) He loves to chat to himself:) "Hopping" everyone has a great Easter
Saturday, March 08, 2008
The blond bombshell and her horse
The neighbourhood is definitely going to the horses! In the winter, the horses are indoors and they are kept by this beautiful young girl. (HAHAAHA) Check out his previous antics in the summer!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Maxime Chez Grandpapa!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Tragically Hip in KINGSTON!
Woooooooohooooooooo! The Tragically Hip rocked the K-Rock Centre last night! In attendance was Julie, Ken, Michelle, Erin, Alex, Jen, CJ and me, and probably loads more people we knew. It was a great concert in a new great venue. The crowd loved it! Dan Aykroyd even sat in on 'Locked in the Trunck of a Car" with the band. He laid down some mean harmonica. Here's a shot of Gord Downie pleasing the crowd!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday night - K-Rock Centre OPENS!
The opening night of the K-Rock Centre - It's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow is the innaugural concert: The Tragically Hip!
Eric and Maxime at the Hockey Game!
Maxime and Eric at opening night of the K-Rock Centre. Poor Maxime has a cold.
The Tragically Hip in Brockville!
Ok, TWO Tragically Hip concerts in three days! WOW! Here are some pictures of the first one. Jen and Eric rocked the Brockville Arts Centre on Thursday night in the 13th row with 700 of their closest friends!
The HIP in Brockville!
Here's Jen and I at Sam's Brass Rack having a beer before the concert. There was two guys there that drove from Baltimore Maryland to see the concert! HOLY SMOKES!
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Poker at my House!

So after more than hour of grinding at the final table with HUGE blinds Ray walked away the winner!!! Congratulations to Ray who just learned how to play Texas Hold'em three weeks ago! WOW! You gotta love beginner's luck! Justin took 2nd place, Eric took 3rd and Darryl won 4th place. A good time was had by all. It was a huge success and we'll do it again sometime soon!

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wings play Senators

On Jan 12, 2008 Eric, myself and Maxime ventured off on a McCoy Bus ride to see Detroit play Ottawa. Eric had not seen them live in about 4 years, so it was time to go! It was also our Christmas gift (thanks Eric:) This was Maxime's first NHL game, actually his first live hockey game ever! He enjoyed it up until the Ottawa scored and the Via rail make believe train honk its way through the stadium at extremely high decibels! The he would cry hysterically, made me feel like a bad Mom for taking him, but incidentally it was the only time he cried, so we chalked it up to him being a true Red Wings fan....... a proud moment for Dad:) But despite Maxime's protest the Wings lost 3-2, an exciting third period as the Wings tied it up from being 2-0, but then Ottawa scored with 4 minutes left. Steve Yzerman also dropped the ceremonial puck, as he had been inducted into Ottawa's hockey hall of fame that same weekend, this was a real treat for Eric. Really Eric should do this post as I may be butchering it, but I have the pictures on my camera, so here they are!!!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Maxime on You Tube
Friday, January 04, 2008
The Triplet's cribS
Maxime's first trip to Windsor to see Mimi and Grandpa Webster

It's Erin signing on to describe Maxime's first trip to Windsor to see to see his grandparents:) Eric suggested I might as well travel a bit while I'm off work on Maternity leave so I thought...."I'll take Maxime to see Mimi!"
Maxime and I left on New Years Day to "ride the rails", a 9 hour train ride to Windsor. It didn't seem that long because we sat with a nice girl, "Christina" who got on the train in Belleville. Also by the time I changed Maxime, fed him and he slept (repeating this sequence 4 times) we arrived to be greeted by Ron and Denise, right on the track!
We are having a wonderful time visiting, yesterday we saw Brenda, Steve and their adorable triplets, Sara, Issac and Dillon, aka "Dilly", each whom turned two in November. Brenda and Steve have their hands full, to say the least! They are amazing parents and you can tell by how well behaved the kids are. Both Steve and Brenda love babies, they scooped Maxime up right away and played with him the whole time we visited.
Of course a trip to Windsor is never complete without getting some Red Wings gear for Eric, shhh..... its a surprise:) Maxime also got spoiled by Mimi and Ron, scoring a cute Redwings outfit, miniature wings hat (just in time for the Wings game we are going to in Ottawa on Jan 12) and some PJ's.
There is more fun to be had since we don't leave till Sunday, so I'll post again when we get back to Kingston.