It's a boy! 8lbs even. 53 cm long with a head circumference of 35 cm. Born 27 minutes after midnight on July 26th, 2007. Maxime George Raymond Tremblay. He's perfectly happy and healthy, and he's busy enjoying his new world.
Erin is doing really great. About 24 hours after her c-section, she
stopped taking her narcotic analgesics (morphine) because the pain is
more manageable now. Sleep deprivation is setting in but that's a small price to pay for this little cute baby. Little Maxime is doing equally well. He's
working hard to learn how to breast feed with Erin's help. He's very
cute and now weighs about 7lbs 5 oz down from 8lbs when he was
born. Erin is healing very well and after a total of 5 days in the hospital (since 4pm on Tuesday July 24th), the obstetrics team discharged both Maxime and Erin at noon on Saturday July 28th.
We're back home now and we're trying to settle into a routine and we're trying to get as much sleep as we can.
Want to help us? You can help us by not calling the house for the first few days. Erin is trying hard to sleep when the baby sleeps and minimizing the phone ringing will really help. Thank you all.
Now for what you've been waiting for..... see more pictures of Maxime on my Flickr account.