Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Buon Natale e tutti!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I spent a couple of hours adminiring the 2006 Geminid Meteor Shower last night in my backyard. Despite the conditions not being optimal because I'm in the city, I still saw a grad total of 19 meteors in 2 hours. Not bad. Here's a photo of meteor #16. Cool.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
We did a really fun activity at work this year: Secret Santa. It was 5 days long and every day we had to do little things for our secret person. My Secret Santa was great. Showering me with gifts like a deck of cards, chocolates, even a winning Navada ticket! Yeehhaaa! To divulge their identity on day 5 they sent me a card. Below is the photo that was within the card. It's a picture of Christine (my Secret Santa) and my Dad! She had found him in the Rideau Centre in Ottawa where he was doing his Santa Gig for the kids. This picture really made my day. Thanks Christine! And thanks Dad for keeping this a secret! HAHA!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Floor Hockey Results
Friday, December 01, 2006
We lost!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Italy here we come!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Field Trip!
People from my work work had a field trip to the Canadian War Museum today. It was awesome. I definately want to go there again. There was so much to see and do and we only scratched the surface. Here's a cool shot of names on the memorial wall in an archway.
There were several life-like displays. Here's one a fallen soldier in the mud. Scary.
Hitler's Mercedes. It's black and has bullet holes it in. What an amazing relic of WWII history.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Oh's Borat!
Friday, November 17, 2006
We're Hip in Montreal!
They rocked the 2000+ crowd with all your favorites. Wow they had energy! The crowd was hyped and friendly and the bartenders slung beer like profesionals! (I like that!) The club we saw them in was awesome. The Metropolis is a three-tiered concert hall and no matter where you were you had a great view of the action. Here's one pic, more can be found on my Flickr account here:
Wedding Pictures are IN!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Thanks to Mustafa, one picture has been found of our Angels costumes from the Wolfe Island Halloween party. It's not the greatest pic, but it gives you an idea of why we came 4th ;-)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
More Halloween Pictures!
a halloween kiss for u
Here's the first shot of our prize winning Hallowe'en Team at work... actually this shot is from Mark's camera (via his Flickr account). More shots to follow. Can you guess who I am?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Halloween on Wolfe Island
Ok, well, the story isn't finished yet. We haven't even mentioned Julie. Well, crazy as usual when it comes to Halloween costumes, she worked very hard on building a constume that represented Avian Flu. Picture it: white bathrobe, trimmed with fluffy white feathers, yellow felt cone hat, feathers flying out of it, yellow rubber gloves strapped to her feet and a medical mask on her face. Jeeeeeez! Now picture this: Julie was basically falling on the floor coughing all night at the bar. HAHAHA! It was totally gross. totally WON! She won 1st Place in this year's costume constest! WOWOWOWOWOW! Amazing. Great night on the Island overall!
Now we had a good time dressing Julie up before the party so we do have a picture of her. Check it out below.
Julia flu
Avian Flu from the front (without the hat and face mask). Check out the very gross makeup on Julie. Bleck!!!
Angels and liquid paper
Ok, so here's the only tiny related picture to our Angel constume. I've got the halo on, but niether of us have the wings on...boohooo!
Monday, October 23, 2006
We're Marrrrrrrrrrrrrried
Yup. We are. Married. Yup. Yes. Uh-huh. Did it. Done. And boy was it fun! It was soooo fun. I'm so tired now though, I don't have the energy to give the entire story. (Hey... NEWSFLASH... if you are reading this, have energy and went to the wedding... click the 'comment' word below and leave your story! It would be much appreciated.) As the photos come rolling in, I'll also post tons of them online both here and on my Flickr account. If you've got a particularly good picture, please email it to me. I'd love to have them.
Thanks to everyone that made our day great. Without all of you, it wouldn't have been the success it was. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
---Eric signing out---
---Erin signing in---
HI everyone,this is Erin. Mrs. Eric Tremblay, yahoo! Well officially it is Mrs. Erin Merry but it's still cool! Thanks to all our wonderful friends for making it such an awesome day, the only day in 3 weeks it did not rain or snow! Eric is amazing and now we are both tired. Looking forward to seeing RWI on Wolfe Island for Halloween this Friday night! Thanks again everyone, we love you! Love you long time (as Jen would say!) xoxoxo
---Erin signing out---
--Jack and Winston signing in---
**woof** **woof**
---Jack and Winston Signin out---
PS: After 1:30am, somehow the band looked a little different. Hmmmm.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Poker Stag Night!
Now, the poker setup included two new prizes. Bottles of Booze! Crown Royal and a Dark Rum. Nice! Seb started the evening by declaring that the poker pot would be split 70%-30% among the top two winners and those two winners would also each get one bottle of booze. Neat twist I thought. I still don’t know who sprung for the booze. Whoever did… many thanks!!! Anyway, as usually the game unfolded beautifully. Lots of ‘all ins’ near the end too. I love it. I made it to the top three and the game came to a grinding halt. Seb declared that it was time to reveal the true guise of the evening. It turns out that before I arrived, everyone decided that whatever the outcome of the game, I would get the full pot! HOLY SHIT! ... I mean HOLY WOW! ... was I ever humbled by this. It was a very nice gesture of my friends to do (and if any of you are reading this…. I thank you very much…I really appreciate the sentiment…. The pot cash went right into our honeymoon fund). This wasn’t a trivial amount of money either. It had grown with the nightly buy-ins to $205! Holy Smokes. Nice Pot! The game resumed. I promptly went “all in” and lost. Congrats to Little Alex (1st) and Leo (2nd) who brought home the hard liquor! Yeehaaa! Thanks again everyone!!!! I cheers my Stripper Mug to you!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Floor Hockey Update!
PS: Special thanks to the waitress at the Rose & Crown in the township. The snacks were yummy!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Floor Hockey is BACK!
Answer: I wouldn't know. Instead 14 of us got together to submit a team. We're not the city's elite floor hockey people but we have a lot of fun. AND.... I think we might just do quite well this year. With the addition of Tracey (who had a goal in her 1st game), Mark (who had 2 goals in his 1st game), Glen (who backstopped us to Victory!), and Cathy and Georgia (they missed game #1 so we'll see their stuff in Game 2), I think we're poised to do well this Fall season.
First game: Win 12-5.
Stay tuned for updates on the next game.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Homecoming 2006 was a great time! Julie came down from Belleville and we whooped it up. Here's Julie and I walking the in the Aberdeen Street party with our jackets. The frosh loved us! (Special thank to Erin for letting us use her camera.... I wouldn't take my camera into this crazy party! YIKES!) The party went surprisingly well I thought. The cops had the streets barricaded very well. Volunteer alumni went up and down the street collecting beer bottles to minimize glass on the road. Free water and cups were distributed by volunteers and from a special tent on the street. Everyone was really organized and that made things seem a lot safer this year. Kudos to everyone who worked hard, including the dozens of cops we saw out last night. The crowd was estimated at over 8,000+ people! WOW!
CHEERS!!!!!!!! Some big whigs came out to party too. Here's Mayor Harvey Rosen partying with the best of them. Way to go BigHarv!
It was wall-to-wall people on Aberdeen Street! Here's the intersection of Aberdeen and William Streets.
Whe're not sure why there was a bagel participating in the street party this year? However, Homecomming doesn't discriminate! Go bagel Go!
Julie and I went to the homecoming football game. The Gaels lost a close on 22-18 to a great Windsor Lancers team. The weather was great and the students were out in full force. Here's a shot of the stands on the student side.
As per normal, the students rushed the field at half time and proceded to beat their jackets on the group. It was chaos. Luckily it only lasted about 5 minutes and things were quickly brought back to order in time for the second half of the game.
The cheerleaders were awesome. I wish I would have had my camera with me for the game. The camera this photo was taken with is Erin's. It's a good point and shoot camera 9don't get me wrong); however, with my Canon 30D I could have really taken great shots of these cheerleaders. They flipped and tossed each other in the air like crazy the entire game (so it's a photographer's field day!) but I could never really get a well timed shot with this point and shoot camera. This is the best one I could get.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Erin and I went out last night to take some night pics of the Fall fair. Here's my best one. It's the Ferris Wheel. Cool!
Here's the stop light at the intersection of Consession and Alfred. Six second exposure.... timed perfectly thanks to Erin on the stop watch!