Ok, so Jen Archer was putting the screws to me last night at Shoeless Joe's that I have not updated the blog recently. Well, she's right! I've been busy (a.k.a. slacking!)
So anyway, last Friday was awesome. Some of you may know that I managed to pull off an amazing surprise on Erin for her birthday. It was a long orchestrated beautifully exciting surprise of a Pearl Jam concert in Ottawa. It's started with Jen Clark about 3 months ago who called me letting me know she had a pair of tickets and that I might be intersted in buying them to surprise Erin. Well how about
Yes, yes, YES! I knew Erin would love it. So a string of "Super Thank You's" go to Jen Clark for her help with this.
But now I had a HUGE challenge. I had to keep it secret from Erin and I had to make a plausible reason for her to be out of town with me that night. Her sister Julie was in on it from the beginning and that really healped (more later on that). So I built this work related story of a meeting thingy in Corwall at the Nav Can Conference Centre and Erin ate it up: Hook, Line and Sinker! The key was introducing it slowly and only talking about it when I had to. Less is more. But this killed me because I couldn't really talk about going to this great concert. I had to keep my mouth shut for fear of any leaks. Man it was tough!
The week before Erin started to wonder what we would do with jack while we're in "Cornwall".... well...she calls up Julie and Julie goes with it and says she's going to watch Jack. AWESOME thinking Julie! Meanwhile once I heard of that I set Jack up to go to my friend Susan's house! Many thanks to Susan for watching jack while we are away on such a short notice! You're a life saver!
So I told Erin at about 4:45pm on Friday. I put the tickets in a card and she just about freaked when she saw them! She said it was the best surprise she's ever experienced! WOW!
On the trip up, Erin made many phone calls telling her friends. Poor Tiff was busy cleaning while we ere going to Pearl Jam! (*grin*)
The weather sucked going up. Pure rain. We rolled in 30 minutes before they came on... just enough time for a beer in the bar with Ken and Julie. That's the second part of the surprise! Julie and Ken were also going to the same concert! Too cool!
And talk about a concert! Can you say 3 hours long! Yup, officially the longest concert I have ever been to! WOW! It rocked. All the hits were in there...Ever Long, Betterman, Jeremy, Dissident, Daughter, Last Kiss, etc, etc, etc with three encore's to boot!!!! The scond encore rocked the crowd big time. A set of three Neil Young songs capped with Rockin' in the Free World which people ate up and spit out! Wow the energy was high! The Corel Centre crowd really got their money's worth that night.
Later that night we crashed at my Dad's place and returned to K-town the next day. Very cool! It was a great surprise and a great night! Thanks to everyone that helped me keep the secret! You guys are the best!