Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I was nominated!
Just a little happy news. I was nominated for the St. Lawrence College Faculty of the Year Award. I didn't win... but just being nominated is awesome! Yeah for me!
BIG doesn't mean BAD!

Meet the newest member of our family. His name is "Big" and it's very fitting. He's a two and a half year old Rottweiler. He weighs 100 lbs and is a bit on the skinny side too! So he looks impressively scary! But he's not. He's the sweetest boy. He’s very friendly to strangers and he listens very well. And we haven’t heard him bark yet either! That’s a bit strange…. But I’ll take it (*grin*). Here’s the wild and wooly story of how we got BIG!
We had filled out an adoption application from a rescue agency called Adopt-a-Rott and we were working with one of their volunteers named Pam. Because Pam is in the business, she got an email through the “underground Rottie-Railroad” (that’s how I call it anyway) saying a new dog had just been rescued in the Montreal area named Big. I guess it was a story of neglect over there where they left him outside most of the time. The owner surrendered him to the rescue agency because her son wasn’t taking care of the dog (maybe that’s why he’s a bit skinny). Anyway, he spent a day in a shelter and a day in a temporary foster home (with four other dogs!) and meanwhile they got him neutered and vaccinated. On the third day of his rescue, we drove up to Montreal for our three-hour interview. We passed with flying colours, so did Big! So we signed the adoption contract, packed up the car and drove home. He’s been a good boy ever since!
So if you want to meet a good dog, come over for a visit sometime. Big doesn’t mean bad

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Bad people in k-town!
Yes, we all know there are bad people in k-town. My next door neighbour's house was broken into last Thursday while she was at work. Yikes! I'm scared now! I need a security system a.k.a. a BIG FRIGGIN DOG! So, Erin and I went to the Humane Society Monday to check them out. Nothing really turned our crank. We've also filled out the Adopt-a-Rott application form, so we'll see if we can adopt a rescued Rottie. Stay Tuned!
Round Two: Stella's sitting on one egg
Stella the Canary has gotten over the trama of not having any of her four last eggs hatch. Only one week after I removed them, she has laid another egg and has been incubating it for 2 days. So the hatch date should be around April 30th. Corss your fingers. Stella....you go girl!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
I'm going to be a dad!
Erin found out yesterday that she's pregnant! I'm going to be a dad! YEAH!!!!!!!
The Yellow Lab Spiteth
Erin called me yesterday at work to let me know that the Yellow Labidichromous female fish spit out her first fry.. YEAH! And today we woke up to 5 of them in the breeding net! I'll try to take a picture tonight.
She's still not eating so she may have more in there! Very cool!
She's still not eating so she may have more in there! Very cool!
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