It's no secret... I miss hockey. But I still know the meaning of "
He shoots... he scores!" and I did just that Monday night for Valentines Day. I took a really long shot! I decided to make a really nice high class dinner for Erin to celebrate Valentines Day. (Those who know me, know that I almost never cook! I was really going out on a limb here!) I pulled out all the stops I could! Table cloth, linen napkins, white candles and customized "love music" (cheezy but always appreciated!)
The meal I prepared was influenced by Erin's suggestion. She loves seafood pasta so I went with her suggested theme:
Shrimp Scallop Scampi over fresh linguini. I rounded it out with a homemade green salad with greek dressing and a lovely Honey and Oat whole wheat bun from Pan Chancho. For desert I picked up something else from Pan Chancho: a strawberry and white chocolate profiterole (that's french for cream puff!) It was awesome! I also served Erin white wine with dinner. It puts her in a good mood (haha).
The flowers on the table were courtesy of her. She surprised me earlier that morning with roses delivered to my work. I was so delighted to receive them. They are so beautiful, with multiple coulours: yellow, red, pink, and the kind with red tips and pink body. Very cool! The girls at work were a little jealous as I was the only girl in the office who got flowers delivered to work on Monday! (*laugh*) Erin is truly a keeper! I'm glad we can do things for each other like that on Valentine's Day.
It was a great day with a great girl! I wouldn't have done anything differently. Well, wait... maybe next year we can get tickets to a Detroit Red Wings game for Valentines Day? They might serve some seafood pasta at the concession stand?!? ... I'll have to look into that! (*evil grin*)