I went to a wedding this weekend! It was absolutely tons of fun from start to finish. The ceremony was beautiful and the priest's homily was beautiful. He really made it personal and spoke a lot about love and how no one is perfect. He stressed the need to rely upon God to have faith in the fact that the bride chose the groom, and the groom chose the bride as much as God chose them to be together. So despite the natural ups and downs of a marriage, that it is God's will for them to be together. The words were beautiful. He also spoke on the traditional theme of never going to bed mad at each other. Which is something I really believe in. I don't think I have ever been to a catholic wedding, but I love the catholic masses so it was a wonderful combination of a wedding with a full mass. Erin my GF was the maid of honour and she was beautiful. She look classy in her dress and so did all the bridesmaids. The entire wedding party was impressively good looking. So it should be on such a special day.
The reception was fun! The food rocked, the tunes were a pretty good mix and I stayed 'til the very end. The speeches ... well ... I could go on forever on them, but I won't. Suffices to say they were the best set of speeches I have ever seen at any wedding I have ever been to. The thoughtfulness behind each speech was evident. The love and support found in these families in friends was tangible in the room that it just made everyone feel so good. It was truly a feel good wedding!
NewsFlash: Erin caught the bouquet!!! Pressure's on now!! (*laugh*)
There were also some really nice aspects to the reception that I thought were thoughtful additions. Probably the most impressive one to me was the table at the front of the hall that had old wedding pictures of parents and grandparents. I'm a pretty big fan of old pictures, so these were absolutely beautiful to me.
I was graced with the privilege of driving the bride and groom.... er... I should say husband and wife to their hotel at the end of the evening and I must take the time to describe Tiffany's (the bride/wife) beautiful white cape that she wore while leaving. Of course she had a beautiful white wedding dress also, but combined with this white satiny cape with a ruffle of snow looking material along the edge... she looked like a Snow Princess. She was absolutely beautiful and elegant leaving the building after all those hard hours of stress and partying (*grin*). It was my honour to be The Snow Princess' chauffeur (*smile*).
On a lighter note, it was great to finally meet Siobhan's husband Cory. I thought he was really cool. We had a good time together. Siobhan herself was quite entertaining that night. I was a big fan of the nine push-ups she did on the dance floor HAHAHAHA!!! Also, I didn't realize Jen had such a nice butt! Her dress was perfect at showing it off and several people made positive comments during the evening (*grin*).
In short, best wedding I've ever been to. That's cool.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Saturday, November 20, 2004
What a non-boring night!
Yesterday was one of those non-boring nights where some interesting stuff happens.
Right after work I hit the gym. Was a good little workout... head home. Throw on some new clothes and go pick up Erin. We were going for a drink and some dinner at the Toucan where her Posse installs itself every Friday.
Was cool to see this relatively large group of people drinking away at the front of the Toucan..... and it being Cheers-esque where everybody knows every body else's name when they come in the door. Oh of course, at one point a drink gets spilled and my cat-like relexes (Yeah sure!!!) from having been to the gym earlier give me just the right response in the critical timeframe and the beer barely misses landing in my crotch! Yeah for me, because I have plans of leaving the Toucan at 7:15pm to go see the Frontenacs Game and I don't want to go with wet pants!!! What would the riff-raff think! Previously near 5pm, I had left three messages on the machines of three buddies in an attempt to find someone to go with. I really wanted to see that game against Belleville.
Back to the Toucan story. It's a good time... we have burgers and beer. Also turns out the waiter/bartender used to live with me in the old 4th Vic days. WEIRD! He even remembers my name although he's too busy to chat or anything.
After the food has been consumed.... oh wait...must tell you about the sweet potatoe fries. Holy yummy batman! Gotta get them again soon! .... but I digress.... so, a promo rep starts handing out free half-pints of strongbow and Erin saddles up to one. On a side note, she looks quite nice in her skirt!!! (I saw the line!) In the middle of some funny story she completely spills her strongbow onto me! Oh Jeez! No cat, let alone me and my cat-like reflexes, could have gotten out of the way of the sweeping hand coming right at me. So I'm covered, the nice vinyl seat is covered and her skirt got some too.... boohoo. She tells me to go to the bathroom... but what the heck am I going to do in the bathroom.... stick my entire upper leg in the toilet? NOT! hahaha. So everyone has a good laugh and the party continues.... wet pants and all!
I did get one call during that time but it was from Mary and not from any hockey-loving friends of mine. Bastards! So, at 7:15pm I leave the bar and pile back into my car. As soon as I reach the car I realize I didn't pay for my food/drink! DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope Erin paid for me. Please please please! It's not my style to stiff people!
I reach the game at about 7:30pm with my pants still soaked from the Strongbow. (YUM!) I approach the building to be greated by the sound of the national anthem being played. I also see a HUGE lineup to get in. Takes about 10 mins and by the time I reach the wicket it's standing room only. Very cool. I'm not sure I've ever been to a standing room only game in Kingston. I probably have, but I'm just there earlier so I get a seated ticket I guess. (Editor's note: attendance over 3000!)
I grab the oblibatory 50:50 tickets, popcorn and Dr. Pepper. Find myself a spot and start enjoying life. Well, life became un-enjoyable very fast as the Bulls carried the play in the first and were up 2-0 by the end of it after 8-4 shots on goal.
During the first intermission I see Michelle from the Chem Lab at RMC. She's not very chatty though and I am alone so I want to be chatty. Oh well can win them all.
The second period becomes a fiasco while a Bulls player turtles on a faceoff and the Kingston boy get 2 minutes for instigating, 5 for fighting and a 10 minute misconduct! OUCH!!!! Despite this huge disadvatage Kingston carries the play in the second period and outshoots and out chances Belleville. Why is Belleville winning 4-1 at the end of the second? Because Davis the Kingston Goalie has a bad night and lets weak goals go in. Jeez! Spezzza takes over.
During the second period I find this hilarious guy to stand beside and we chit chat all period about the game. I am especially entertained by the fact that he is missing his two front teeth! HAHA. Maybe he used to play hockey as a kid ;-)
During the second intermission I see KJ's aunt and she calls me by name when we say "hi". That was nice.
Third period almost a repeat of the second. It's all Kingston. But the final score is 5-2 Belleville. Final shots on goal 41-24 for Kingston in the loss. I guess you can chalk it up to one of those strange nights where the other team gets all the breaks even though you outplay them.
Um...as usual...I don't win the 50:50 which was over $1100 that night.
So, un-eventfully I went home and had a jacuzzi bath and was in bed at 11:30pm.
So all in all.... a nice non-boring night for the Hamster-Man!
Right after work I hit the gym. Was a good little workout... head home. Throw on some new clothes and go pick up Erin. We were going for a drink and some dinner at the Toucan where her Posse installs itself every Friday.
Was cool to see this relatively large group of people drinking away at the front of the Toucan..... and it being Cheers-esque where everybody knows every body else's name when they come in the door. Oh of course, at one point a drink gets spilled and my cat-like relexes (Yeah sure!!!) from having been to the gym earlier give me just the right response in the critical timeframe and the beer barely misses landing in my crotch! Yeah for me, because I have plans of leaving the Toucan at 7:15pm to go see the Frontenacs Game and I don't want to go with wet pants!!! What would the riff-raff think! Previously near 5pm, I had left three messages on the machines of three buddies in an attempt to find someone to go with. I really wanted to see that game against Belleville.
Back to the Toucan story. It's a good time... we have burgers and beer. Also turns out the waiter/bartender used to live with me in the old 4th Vic days. WEIRD! He even remembers my name although he's too busy to chat or anything.
After the food has been consumed.... oh wait...must tell you about the sweet potatoe fries. Holy yummy batman! Gotta get them again soon! .... but I digress.... so, a promo rep starts handing out free half-pints of strongbow and Erin saddles up to one. On a side note, she looks quite nice in her skirt!!! (I saw the line!) In the middle of some funny story she completely spills her strongbow onto me! Oh Jeez! No cat, let alone me and my cat-like reflexes, could have gotten out of the way of the sweeping hand coming right at me. So I'm covered, the nice vinyl seat is covered and her skirt got some too.... boohoo. She tells me to go to the bathroom... but what the heck am I going to do in the bathroom.... stick my entire upper leg in the toilet? NOT! hahaha. So everyone has a good laugh and the party continues.... wet pants and all!
I did get one call during that time but it was from Mary and not from any hockey-loving friends of mine. Bastards! So, at 7:15pm I leave the bar and pile back into my car. As soon as I reach the car I realize I didn't pay for my food/drink! DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope Erin paid for me. Please please please! It's not my style to stiff people!
I reach the game at about 7:30pm with my pants still soaked from the Strongbow. (YUM!) I approach the building to be greated by the sound of the national anthem being played. I also see a HUGE lineup to get in. Takes about 10 mins and by the time I reach the wicket it's standing room only. Very cool. I'm not sure I've ever been to a standing room only game in Kingston. I probably have, but I'm just there earlier so I get a seated ticket I guess. (Editor's note: attendance over 3000!)
I grab the oblibatory 50:50 tickets, popcorn and Dr. Pepper. Find myself a spot and start enjoying life. Well, life became un-enjoyable very fast as the Bulls carried the play in the first and were up 2-0 by the end of it after 8-4 shots on goal.
During the first intermission I see Michelle from the Chem Lab at RMC. She's not very chatty though and I am alone so I want to be chatty. Oh well can win them all.
The second period becomes a fiasco while a Bulls player turtles on a faceoff and the Kingston boy get 2 minutes for instigating, 5 for fighting and a 10 minute misconduct! OUCH!!!! Despite this huge disadvatage Kingston carries the play in the second period and outshoots and out chances Belleville. Why is Belleville winning 4-1 at the end of the second? Because Davis the Kingston Goalie has a bad night and lets weak goals go in. Jeez! Spezzza takes over.
During the second period I find this hilarious guy to stand beside and we chit chat all period about the game. I am especially entertained by the fact that he is missing his two front teeth! HAHA. Maybe he used to play hockey as a kid ;-)
During the second intermission I see KJ's aunt and she calls me by name when we say "hi". That was nice.
Third period almost a repeat of the second. It's all Kingston. But the final score is 5-2 Belleville. Final shots on goal 41-24 for Kingston in the loss. I guess you can chalk it up to one of those strange nights where the other team gets all the breaks even though you outplay them.
Um...as usual...I don't win the 50:50 which was over $1100 that night.
So, un-eventfully I went home and had a jacuzzi bath and was in bed at 11:30pm.
So all in all.... a nice non-boring night for the Hamster-Man!
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Yooooour Kingston Frontenacs!
I went to a Frontenacs game on Sunday with Sue, Wayne, Gegory and Bethany. Was loads of fun! The good guys won over the Ottawa 67's by a score of 4-3! It's a good preview game for my December 17th trip to Ottawa where I'll be seeing the Belleville Bulls vs. the Ottawa 67's. Coollio. I took a couple of pics. I'll try to post them tonight.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
He really is GOOD!

A *good* time was had by all! A rockin' concert by Matthew Good and friends at AJ's Hangar which started out immediately with the crowd pleaser "Apparitions" accoustic with Matt by himself on the stage. The fans ate it up! He had a great mix of the old tunes and the new tunes. Despite being a little short at about 1 hour and 20 minutes (maybe I'm spoiled after the big and long outdoor Hip concert that I last went to), the show was awesome!!! Probably the most interesting bit of the concert was when Matt stopped in the middle of a song and took the time to whip out a few handouts to talk about Afghanistan and middle east stuff. He's a pretty Wold/Social Conscious guy. Check out his Blog. It's a cool read.
Erin, Julie and I timed it perfectly and came in 4 minutes before he hit the stage! Kudos to Erin how came out despite being sick with a cold! Bleck!
Here's a couple more pics! (click them to make them BIGGER)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004
House of Games
Erika says... "See this movie called House of Games"
Eric says... "ok...I'll post a note to my blog to remind me to see this movie someday"
Eric says... "ok...I'll post a note to my blog to remind me to see this movie someday"
Sunday, November 07, 2004
The Dream Date
Ever had a dream date? You know... the kind of date that goes off perfectly from start to finish? I've had a few I guess but I think I just had the best one ever last night. Yup.
Erin and I had plans to have a nice dinner at a Swanky Restaurant: Casa Dominca. I arrived at her place at 6:15pm dressed nicely (wearing a tie even!), and I walked in to a picture of beauty. Boy she looked good! She has this beautiful neckclass on too that just made her look so unique! Luckily I had brought my camera and she was nice enough to let me take a couple of pics of her at her place. We had a quick drink at her place before the taxi showed up. I opened the door for her to the cab. (My mom taught me that! That scores points on the romantic meter!)
Once we arrived at the restaurant I also scored another point on the romantic meter by pulling out her chair for her at the table. (Can you tell I was working hard here? Of course, she's well worth the effort!) It was a nice table for two by the window. Dinner was amazing. The appatizer was thrilling: a mixture of seafoods and topped by beautiful fennel and some yummy olives and little tiny toasted breads (I can't remember the name for them). It was so yummy! The wine was excellent and the conversation was wonderful. The neat thing about Erin and I is that we BOTH talk a lot. So when we're together we have the greatest conversations. It just goes on an on and time flies and we laugh and have such a good time. I love to see her smile.
Despite some slowness on the part of the waiter (the place was uber-busy due to the Queen's Science Formal), we enjoyed the dinner immensely. In fact the slowness was a good thing as it just gave us more time to talk. (*grin*)
Main course was yummy too. I have penne with feta while she had gnocchi. The food is always good at Casa Dominca. I've been there a few time and I am always really pleased with the food and the atmosphere. We skipped desert because Erin had a great idea: let's go for Bubble Tea!
So we walked up Princess Street during what had turned out to be a rare warm November evening. Hand in hand we made our way up the street. When we reached the corner of princess and barry I noticed the old paradisso restaurant was now re-opened by a new restaurant called Sol. (Maybe called Casa del Sol or Sol something...I forget). So that's when spontaneity took over and we decided to duck in there and have a drink. It was awesome.
The lights were low, the place was half full and we had a table where we could sit and talk. We ordered martinis! Sexy! I had a Cosmopolitan (girlie...yet yummy) and she had a sour apple martini. We laughed and talked and I enjoyed myself the the MAX! I fed her the cherry from my martini. WOW! She gave me half of her apple from hers. It was perfect.
Ok, that spontaneous interlude was wonderful but we had to get back on track: Bubble Tea. It was her second time there. I took her the first time a couple weeks back. It's a place I went to a lot a few years back with friends. I like it. It's yummy stuff and a nice place to sit and talk. We had spent the last few hours talking but we still had more to talk about and Bubble Tea's a good place to do it and the teas are more like a desert than a tea.... which is why we had skipped the desert at Casa Dominica. (*grin*)
After the tea, we walked home to her place. Which was decievingly close by the way (especially given the warm evening).
So, the perfect date continued but I'll spare you these details. (*evil grin*)
I have fallen for this girl hard and it feels great! I just know I will have many more Dream Dates with her in the future! I just know it.
Erin and I had plans to have a nice dinner at a Swanky Restaurant: Casa Dominca. I arrived at her place at 6:15pm dressed nicely (wearing a tie even!), and I walked in to a picture of beauty. Boy she looked good! She has this beautiful neckclass on too that just made her look so unique! Luckily I had brought my camera and she was nice enough to let me take a couple of pics of her at her place. We had a quick drink at her place before the taxi showed up. I opened the door for her to the cab. (My mom taught me that! That scores points on the romantic meter!)
Once we arrived at the restaurant I also scored another point on the romantic meter by pulling out her chair for her at the table. (Can you tell I was working hard here? Of course, she's well worth the effort!) It was a nice table for two by the window. Dinner was amazing. The appatizer was thrilling: a mixture of seafoods and topped by beautiful fennel and some yummy olives and little tiny toasted breads (I can't remember the name for them). It was so yummy! The wine was excellent and the conversation was wonderful. The neat thing about Erin and I is that we BOTH talk a lot. So when we're together we have the greatest conversations. It just goes on an on and time flies and we laugh and have such a good time. I love to see her smile.
Despite some slowness on the part of the waiter (the place was uber-busy due to the Queen's Science Formal), we enjoyed the dinner immensely. In fact the slowness was a good thing as it just gave us more time to talk. (*grin*)
Main course was yummy too. I have penne with feta while she had gnocchi. The food is always good at Casa Dominca. I've been there a few time and I am always really pleased with the food and the atmosphere. We skipped desert because Erin had a great idea: let's go for Bubble Tea!
So we walked up Princess Street during what had turned out to be a rare warm November evening. Hand in hand we made our way up the street. When we reached the corner of princess and barry I noticed the old paradisso restaurant was now re-opened by a new restaurant called Sol. (Maybe called Casa del Sol or Sol something...I forget). So that's when spontaneity took over and we decided to duck in there and have a drink. It was awesome.
The lights were low, the place was half full and we had a table where we could sit and talk. We ordered martinis! Sexy! I had a Cosmopolitan (girlie...yet yummy) and she had a sour apple martini. We laughed and talked and I enjoyed myself the the MAX! I fed her the cherry from my martini. WOW! She gave me half of her apple from hers. It was perfect.
Ok, that spontaneous interlude was wonderful but we had to get back on track: Bubble Tea. It was her second time there. I took her the first time a couple weeks back. It's a place I went to a lot a few years back with friends. I like it. It's yummy stuff and a nice place to sit and talk. We had spent the last few hours talking but we still had more to talk about and Bubble Tea's a good place to do it and the teas are more like a desert than a tea.... which is why we had skipped the desert at Casa Dominica. (*grin*)
After the tea, we walked home to her place. Which was decievingly close by the way (especially given the warm evening).
So, the perfect date continued but I'll spare you these details. (*evil grin*)
I have fallen for this girl hard and it feels great! I just know I will have many more Dream Dates with her in the future! I just know it.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I'm sick
Oh well... my streak without a cold has now come to an end. It was over a year I'm sure. I feel crappy-licious today.
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