Here is Maxime on the train:
It's Erin signing on to describe Maxime's first trip to Windsor to see to see his grandparents:) Eric suggested I might as well travel a bit while I'm off work on Maternity leave so I thought...."I'll take Maxime to see Mimi!"
Maxime and I left on New Years Day to "ride the rails", a 9 hour train ride to Windsor. It didn't seem that long because we sat with a nice girl, "Christina" who got on the train in Belleville. Also by the time I changed Maxime, fed him and he slept (repeating this sequence 4 times) we arrived to be greeted by Ron and Denise, right on the track!
We are having a wonderful time visiting, yesterday we saw Brenda, Steve and their adorable triplets, Sara, Issac and Dillon, aka "Dilly", each whom turned two in November. Brenda and Steve have their hands full, to say the least! They are amazing parents and you can tell by how well behaved the kids are. Both Steve and Brenda love babies, they scooped Maxime up right away and played with him the whole time we visited.
Of course a trip to Windsor is never complete without getting some Red Wings gear for Eric, shhh..... its a surprise:) Maxime also got spoiled by Mimi and Ron, scoring a cute Redwings outfit, miniature wings hat (just in time for the Wings game we are going to in Ottawa on Jan 12) and some PJ's.
There is more fun to be had since we don't leave till Sunday, so I'll post again when we get back to Kingston.